Monday, May 25, 2009

So, um…. What the heck are you doing in Tanzania?

To fulfill my course work with the Clinton School of Public Service, I am completing my International Public Service Project (IPSP) with Amani Children’s Home in Moshi, Tanzania. My project is a little different from most African service projects you may hear about. Instead of digging toilets or teaching English, I’m working in an office on a sustainable fundraising project.

Since it was founded in 2001, Amani has experienced enormous and well-managed growth. They’ve gone from a two room house with six kids, to a new, large, well-planned facility that can hold more than 100 children, which is already nearing capacity. Among the non-profits I’ve become acquainted with, Amani is far and away the best managed and forward thinking NGO I’ve seen in the area. While they’ve also done a great job fundraising, Amani has not been exempt from the recent worldwide economic turmoil. Individual donations have dropped 50% from this same period of time last year, while their financial need has only continued to grow.

This is where I come in. I am working with Amani to diversify their income by reaching new donors and encouraging previous donors to give again. Specifically, I am working to modify and expand Amani’s Partner Schools Program to include churches and businesses.

Intrigued? Check out Amani’s website to find out more about Amani and their unique fundraising efforts.

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