Thursday, May 21, 2009

Made it to Moshi

My flight got into JRO about 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. I was greeted by my new housemate Laura and her favorite driver, Juma. Once in the car and off to the house, I remember one essential aspect of travel in Tanzania—cars drive on the left side of the road, not the right!

Once at home, I was greeted by what I would come to find as an almost nightly event—power failure. We fumbled around the house & I unpacked by candle light. After a good nights sleep, I awoke at 4:30 a.m. the next morning after being woken up by Laura’s roosters—Shug & Wheezy. After being woken up by these cocky roosters several mornings in a row, I have renamed them Kiev & Pot Pie. Laura only thinks this is moderately funny and the roosters don’t seem to get the joke at all.

In the morning, Laura would assist me in taking my first trek into Moshi proper. We gathered a few essentials and I picked up what anyone who knows me, knows I must have: a coffee pot. The next morning, as I prepared to start my first day at Amani Children’s Home, Flat Stella joined Laura and I for breakfast.

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