Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Christmas in June

In my work with Amani Children’s Home, my focus is on furthering the organization’s sustainability through diversification of fundraising efforts. Can I get some love for diversification?

If you know James Mitchell, I’m sure you know all about Amani’s great Christmas card program and if you live in Little Rock, you probably either bought them, received them, or both. They were a huge success last year and Arkansas really showed its support for Amani.

This year, Amani is hoping to have a great fundraiser, but could use a little help. Individual contributions have been down significantly, as they have just about everywhere, and the printing costs can be expensive—around $2,000. As a result, Amani is hoping to find a printing company that would be willing to partner with Amani and assist in the effort or a donor who can help with the cost.

Know anyone who would like to help? Send me a note to jennifer@amanikids.org or joe@amanikids.org.

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